Wednesday 24 February 2010

The Trinity's Pleasure

Fom Julian of Norwich today:

"It is Jesus' will that we should take careful note of the happiness of the blessed Trinity over our salvation and, as I have already said, that we should desire to receive the same spiritual happiness, by his grace. I mean that as far as is possible on this earth our enjoyment of our salvation should be similar to the joy which Christ has in our salvation.

The whole Trinity was involved in the Passion of Christ, imparting abundant virtues to us and overflowing grace, by him; but only the Virgin's Son suffered, and this made all the blessed Trinity rejoice for ever. All this was revealed to me in these words: 'Are you pleased?' and later, 'If you are, then so am I.' It was as if Christ had said: 'This is all the joy and delight I want. All I ask for all my sufferings is that I may please you.'

And in this he brought to my mind the character of a glad giver. The one who gives gladly pays little attention to what he is giving. His entire prupose and desire is to please and to satisfy the one whom he is offering the gift. If the recipient accepts the gift gladly and gratefully, then the kind giver counts all the expense and hard work as nothing. The joy and delight that comes from pleasing and satisfying the one whom he loves is reward enough. This was revealed to me absolutely clearly."

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