Tuesday 8 June 2010

New Looks

There have been a few changes afoot down ol' eastangliaseminarians.blogspot.com.

Along with a new experimental look, we have also installed a hit-counter, which allows us to see how many people are visiting our site, and various demographics. Also, to protect security, after a recent wave of spam, you will notice, hopefully, more control over comment moderation.

Do give your opinion, if you have one!

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In other news, Michael's reign as Dean of Seminarians came to an end just before half-term. However, the college swiftly elected a successor, a certain Pádraig, who, in what can now be called a tradition, will ensure East Anglia remains at the very pinnacle of the collegiate crème. Best of luck for your term in office!


Fr Christopher Back said...

How good to have you back blogging - but already it is the Feast of S.Botolph and no fresh news since this entry. I take comfort from the fact that you are all studying too hard to find the time.
Please be assured of daily prayers; I prayed for all of you last week in Rome at the closing of the Year for Priests.
Keep blogging: some of us are watching!
Fr Christopher Back

EA Seminarians said...

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement, Father. We'll make sure we write something good very soon!

Anonymous said...

\at oscott it was once an occasion, twice a custom and three times enshrined in tradition.....

so one more to go before the Hatrick of Tradition strikes with a Dean of East anglia