Monday, 13 April 2009

Year of the Priesthood: Old News - New Ideas?

I'm sure most of you know that Pope Benedict has declared this coming year, from June 19th, the Year of the Priesthood. It coincides with the 150th anniversary of St John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests. At the end of the year the Pope will declare him the patron saint of all the world's priests, which I for one very readily welcome!

At the seminary we want to mark this year in some way, and I was wondering if any of you have any good ideas for things we might do, either as a seminary, or even as personal resolutions? I'm already thinking about it as well. Your thoughts would be welcome!


Fr Paul Johnson said...

How about planned devotions, over the year, in thanksgiving for the gift of the priesthood. These could be widely advertised and encourage local parishes to partake at the same time i.e. a similtaneous devotion across the country eminating from Oscott, as it were.

Ttony said...

Why not sponsor - perhaps better, develop a relationship with - a priest each through an organisation like ACN? Putting a priest in a country where the Faith is persecuted in a direct communication with a seminarian in the West might lead to mutual growth.