Saturday 28th is fast approaching, when we Oscotians don our football boots for a match with the Dominicans from Blackfiars, Oxford. It should be quite an event.
The Dominicans have really been hyping it up on their blog Godzdogz, and have written two posts (Nov 12th and Nov 19th), in which they lulled us into a false sense of security by making it appear they would play in their habits, and then showed a more recent slideshow of their training regime, in which they were playing in sporstwear. After this contradiction, can we afford to trust them when they say they're only playing for a bit of fun? I think not...
Moreover, we are in touch with one member of the community who we are persuading to be our spy, as we think he is really an Oscotian at heart... He will no doubt divulge all their dastardly plans!
St John Vianny, please come to our aid, as we take your name for our team: may Vianney's Army triumph as a beacon for the seminaries!

1 comment:
Come on. That's fighting talk. Fantastic. We'll all be praying for you, but I suspect you may need even more than prayer. They have a good blog, but let's hope it stops there!!!
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